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May 7
4 mins

How to Manage Your Freelance Business Expenses Without a Bank Account

Expense Management for Unbanked Freelancers

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Managing your freelance business expenses can be tricky without a traditional bank account. However, there are still ways to help you keep track of your finances and stay organised.

In this blog post, we’ll go over various methods for managing your business expenses without the need for a traditional bank account. Whether you're a freelancer, small business owner, or just starting out, these strategies can help you keep your business running smoothly.

Use Pre-Paid Cards

Using pre-paid cards is a great option if you don’t have access to a bank account. Prepaid cards can be used to pay vendors and contractors. These cards are not linked to your bank account and you don't need to worry about overdrafts or bounced checks— you simply load them up with cash and off you go.

You can also manage your prepaid card more easily than paper checks (which require writing out each check against a ledger), since you can view all of the payments made on one screen instead of having to keep track of multiple pieces of paper.

Prepaid cards are becoming increasingly accepted at merchants as well as banks, making them even easier for freelance businesses that want flexibility without the hassle of maintaining a bank account.

If you decide to go with this option, check out the Pyypl virtual card, which makes everyday business spending easy and seamless.  

Work With a Merchant Account Provider

A merchant account is not the same thing as a credit card. It’s only available to businesses, so you can’t use it to pay your personal expenses. Similarly, you can’t use the merchant account of one business (say, Amazon) to pay another (say, Google).

You might think that there are no rules against this—after all, when you buy something online with your credit card and enter your billing information in the buyer’s system without any problems, how could they possibly tell if it was for that company or some other company?

But they can tell. The reason is because each credit card processor has a database that tells them who owns what card number and which companies have been authorized by those customers to accept payments from their cards. Each time someone tries to make a payment through their system using one of their cards and doesn't have an account set up with them yet, their database will automatically reject the attempt because there's no way for them to know whether or not the person making that attempt actually does own that particular card number in question.

Check Out Business Banking Alternatives

If your freelance business is getting big enough that you need a bank account, and you're just not ready for the hassle of opening one or can’t open it due to other reasons, you can open an online account.

Many online banks offer high interest rates and don't have a lot of fees (e.g., no overdraft fees). They also have mobile apps that make it easy to manage your finances on the go. The only downside is that many don't allow business accounts with them until after you've been using them for six months or more—so be sure to check into this before signing up.


While it's important to have a bank account, it's not necessary to use one exclusively. If you plan on managing all of your business expenses yourself without hiring an accountant or bookkeeper, consider using alternative methods of payment instead of relying on a bank account.

When it comes down to it, the solutions are out there — and they’re easy. You just need to choose one that works best for you.

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